Friday, 1 June 2007

ARPS Directory: An introduction.

ARPS stands for Adventure and Role Play Sims, it is an initiative to produce a freely distributable directory of sims within Second Life that are mainly aimed either at a specific activity or intended for role playing.

The setting of a Role Play sim is irrelevant, it may be futuristic, medieval or anything in between. Adventure sims may be dedicated (for example) to vehicle racing, horse riding, winter sports or possibly a permanent treasure hunt. In both cases, while a section of the sim may be dedicated to a mall, shops or rented land, the main intent of the sim should not be commercial. Note that renting shops, homes etc for the purpose of role play or the supply of subject related items would not be considered commercial. Basically I just want to make sure sims dedicated to malls are not included.

Sims dedicated to Adult activities will be accepted under advisement, do not assume that because adult sims are submitted that they will be published. Its possible, depending on demand, that a separate adult directory may be published.

The directory will be organized alphabetically except for the feature article which will be included at the beginning of the book. If necessary the directory may be split into multiple books.

The directory will be distributed as one or more books (depending on the number of submissions), and will be made available via networked vendors, for no charge, at a number of sites throughout Second Life. If you would like to host a vendor, please contact me at the following email address: (at)

Please see the other posts in this blog for listing costs and what you must supply to be listed.

Initially we do not intent to allow any advertising in the directory, however should fee's not cover expenses we may include a few appropriate adverts in future issues.

Please note: we reserve the right to refuse listing, however we will try and contact you before the submission deadline to give you a chance to correct any issues.

For submission instructions see

For fee information (no fees will be charged for the first issue and one page listings will always be free) see

Submissions for the first issue should be made no later than the 28th June, intended publish date is the 2nd July.

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