Friday 1 June 2007

Standard Pricing

Note: The following pricing list does not apply to the first issue. There will be no charge for listings in the first issue, however the number of pages per listing will be limited to two and the SIM for the feature listing will be selected by the publisher.

It is intended that all single page listings will be free forever, a sim owner may place a single page listing for no fee which will be carried over from one issue to the next. A sim owner may also request the removal of their single page listing for no charge. However modification of a single page listing will incur a 100L$ fee. If you request a listing be removed then try and submit a new listing for the next issue for the same sim in an attempt to bypass this fee, your new listing will not be included unless the 100L$ fee is paid.

Charges for additional pages will be 300L$ per page up to a maximum of 3 additional pages (the first page will always be free), this gives a maximum 1200$L fee for a full 4 page listing.

For each issue, one feature listing will be made available via slexchange for a fee that is yet to be decided. This listing will allow the purchaser to submit up to 8 pages that will be included at the beginning of the book (after any contents and related pages) plus allow them to submit an image for the front cover. A purchaser of a feature listing will not be allowed to allowed to purchase another feature listing for the same sim for the next three issues.

In either case, the submitter must supply a full set of pages for each issue they want the listing to be included in. Submissions may not be made in advance (ie you may not submit a listing for a specific issue until we open submissions for that issue). Any duplicate submissions made will be ignored and any supplied fee's will not be returned.

Payment may be made using tokens available via in world vendors or slexchange, multiple tokens may be purchased in advance but any unused tokens will not be refunded should the ARPS cease. Tokens will always be available while ARPS operates and as such I recommend you only buy enough tokens for your immediate requirements. A token vendor will be available at the submission location.

Only one feature token will be made available (and only on slexchange) per issue. Failure to submit a feature listing using the token before the submission deadline will void the token.

See additional articles for submission instructions.

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